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48) Michael Head & The Strands The Magical World of The Strands

Michael Head is currently on a high with a recent top ten album and magazines voting Dear Scott the album of the year.

It’s been a long way to get to the top. He released two albums with the Pale Fountains and five with Shack his second band who although they both received critical acclaim never matched this with the sales.

Its fair to say Michael has had personal problems but thankfully that all seems behind him now but when this album was released Michael was involved with heroin.

So, a drugged-out record lacking focus you ask? Absolutely not. It’s a beautiful record. Go straight to X Hits the Spot to hear a story of addiction told with a beautiful guitar melody and with stark lyrics “What’s happened to all my clothes, what’s happened to all my furniture.” Sad, yes but a brilliant song,

X is however not the highlight for that you need to listen to Something Like You a lush song with strings, as a love song its up there. A string quartet and a flutist are employed throughout the album and only enhance the experience.

Queen Matilda is glorious acoustic folk pop; The Prize is a strum along with Michael’s vocals floating over the top and Glynys and Jaqui shocks you by rocking out at the end.

Fontilan is just a blissed-out dream of a song with excellent guitar interplay.

Had a difficult day and need to destress then you will do no better than to listen to this fine record.


GIVE IT A STREAM: Something Like You

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