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21) PJ Harvey Dry

We think of PJ Harvey as a solo artist, but actually originally PJ Harvey were a trio with Polly joined by Steve Vaughan, bass and Rob Ellis on drums.

I remember hearing her on Peel and thinking, I like her, never thinking that this artist would give me many years of joy.

My friend wanted to see U2, I wasn’t a particular fan, but I agreed to go to Parkhead as PJ Harvey were supporting back in 1993 and I had just bought Dry. Their amps kept packing in and the vocals cut out and my friend informed me she was rotten, still better than Bono with his papier mache bloody head.

Oh My Lover is a great opener and if she had never released another note of music, she would be a legend to me for the wonderful thrashy Sheela-Na-Gig.

Harvey’s voice is strong and fantastic on this album, hear her soaring through Victory

Ellis pounds the hell out of his kit as they belt out Joe before the acoustic Plants and Rags, cellos and violins come in after a minute and a half and takes the song to another level.

The album ends with the rifftastic Water.

Critics said she was a talent to watch out for, they often say this, they were right this time.



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