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163) Ruts DC - Animal Now

The Ruts had a problem as sadly their lead singer Malcom Owen had died of an overdose age just twenty-six.


The band had decided to continue and changed their name to Ruts DC (thanks Wikipedia for informing me that DC stands for the Italian da capo which means back to the beginning – the internet, where would we be without it?).


How you continue under this kind of loss is beyond me but with bassist Segs Jennings taking on vocals they brought in Gary Barnacle to add saxophones and keyboards.


This is well executed post punk by four clearly exceptionally talented musicians a point proved with the opening track Mirror Smashed, thumping drums, riffs a plenty and a band showing resilience under challenging times. Dangerous Minds is perfect post punk with a lovely guitar two minutes in and a hypnotic feel.


Slow Down reminds me of early Squeeze, no terrible thing, and chugs along nicely but the wah-wah backing vocals grate a bit. Despondency proves adding Barnacle was a masterstroke and Different View could/should have been a hit.


No Time To Kill is on point and Fools is well executed reggae but sadly goes on a bit to long for me, well over six minutes, and I lose interest and I am not so sure about the rockabilly Walk or Run.


Parasites builds slowly before building and crashing in with an almost chant like vocal. Having read the lyrics “Make money, false smiles, You take more,” I do wonder if this is disillusionment with their record company, the music business, or the hand they had been dealt. Whatever, it is an excellent end to an enjoyable album.




GIVE IT A STREAM: Dangerous Minds

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