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116) The Irrepressibles - Mirror Mirror

Normally I have at least heard of the artist if I have not heard the album, but The Irrepressibles were a complete new one on me.

A quick read is they seem to be a ten-piece orchestra formed by main man Jamie McDermott who performs as Jamie Irrepressible

So first listen and I’m instantly thinking Anohni and the Johnsons and because I am full of so many original ideas that’s the first comparison I read on the internet. After the first listen I also thought this was not for me as it’s just not my type of music.

Every album gets three listens and McDermott’s falsetto voice becomes more and more impressive with each listen. He is never fronting The Clash or Public Enemy and its certainly not the usual voice for a rock album but based on the orchestration and seemingly their extravagant shows his voice is the perfect fit.

Any album with the opening line of “My Friend Joe was a crazy bitch,” deserves a listen and Anvil is beautiful orchestration with backing vocals the equal to McDermott.

Nuclear Skies is built on a lovely piano and McDermott sounds almost demanding to get his message through. Splish, Splash, Sploo is lovely orchestration with stunning violin and cello throughout and The Tide is reflective.

The album goes out on In This Shirt with a church organ and I may be guessing but McDermott lamenting the end of a relationship, it’s very impressive.

I would have never listened to this album, it’s an intelligent, thoughtful beautiful piece of work that deserves more attention than it has received.



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