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105) Iron Maiden The Number of the Beast

Heavy metal is huge but also niche. Watch Bad News or Spinal Tap, which although both excellent, are basically ridiculing the genre. I am not really a fan but there are certain songs or bands that I can listen to. A full Motorhead album not sure I could, but Ace of Spades is, well, ace. Literacy genius there.

However, I have always enjoyed a bit of Iron Maiden. I cannot be bothered with Eddie but when I first heard Run to the Hills all those years ago it had to be bought on seven inch. Crashing guitars with a great chorus, what was not to like. I still think it’s great.

This was a huge album for Maiden. Original singer Paul Di’Anno had been a major character on their first two albums but due to the usual inter band issues Bruce Dickinson had replaced him; a new lead singer is a hard sell. Spandau never got over Tony going and where are Wet Wet Wet without Marti!

Dickinson was up for the task and after fronting Samson realised this was his moment. This was the building block for Iron Maiden and still forty years later they are one of the biggest bands in the world.

The title track caused outrage in America as the band were seen as satanists, Maiden laughed this off, its just an excellent song, although disappointingly its not Vincent Price as they could not afford him.

The album finishes with Hallowed Be Thy Name, still played by the band and not diminished throughout the years.

Children of the Damned and The Prisoner not too shabby either.

To be one of the biggest bands in the world for decades you must deliver, I always listen to an Iron Maiden album on release and there is usually something there to pique my interest.


GIVE IT A STREAM: Hallowed Be Thy Name

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