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93) The House Of Love (Butterfly Album)

Thursday night and we are back in front of the television for TOTP’s. Shine On by the House of Love chimes out of the speakers, what a guitar riff, thumping drums and a fantastic chorus with a heartfelt vocal from lead singer Guy Chadwick. Another seven inch was added to the collection.

They were billed as the next big thing by the music press, but main man Guy Chadwick and guitarist Terry Bickers were already heading for their first split and Bickers was gone by the time this was released.

So, with pressure, fights and splits I approached listening to this after twenty odd years with trepidation. I do not know why.

Hannah opens the album with the song slowly building and it’s nearly two minutes before Chadwick comes in. Beatles and Stones is a ballad all swishing drums and a fitting tribute to both bands. Shake and Crawl has a beautiful, picked guitar and an almost laid-back vocal. Hedonist I can only pathetically describe as catchy, it has a nagging guitar and is one of those songs that sticks in your head. I Don’t Know why I Love You is as good a single as Shine On and Never keeps up the high strike rate.

The next few songs are good just I do not find them up to the same standard, but they storm back with 32nd Floor. Twelve songs, eight of the highest quality is a rather good return.

They never broke through like they were expected to, this album shows that maybe they should have.



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