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Wedding Present George Best

I have just finished Nige Tassell’s excellent book Whatever Happened to the C86 Kids? (get it as a Christmas present its fascinating) Some of the bands we have covered already, one was the wonderful Fuzzbox, Two bands are still going strong both existing in their own world, hopefully you have read the Half Man Half Biscuit review and I would say The Wedding Present are equally as loved by their fans as HMHB.

Back in 1987 they released this, their debut. All the songs are guitars played as fast as possible with thumping fast drums. That makes it sound quite samey and not original, trust me this is classic indie and there is a joy to these songs and repeated playing of this album throughout the years has only made me love it more. Everyone Thinks He Looks Daft opens the album and the lyric “Don’t Give Me That” just takes the song to another level.

All This and More somehow manages to be even faster than all the other tunes but is just as thrilling.

Dave Gedge knows lyrics are essential and he is unique in his stories of relationships, just listen to My Favourite Dress and fail not to be impressed.

Give My Love To Kevin opens like an early Billy Bragg song with a striking guitar before the band provide perfect backing to Gedge’s vocals,

Twelve tracks in thirty-five minutes, make yourself a cup of tea and let The Wedding Present assault your ears in a beautiful swirl of guitars, drums, and lyrics.


GIVE IT A STREAM: Everyone Thinks He Looks Daft

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